Wednesday, September 9, 2015

clothing and environment

Dress for success

- The selection of clothing will depend on your body type and the environment. either warm or cold.
- A lightweight, long-sleeved cotton or wool T-shirt. The long sleeves provide warmth and protection from insects and bugs.
- A pair of military style cargo pants. They provide ease of movement, necessary pockets and storage spaces, and have reinforced knees and shins pads.
- Alternatively, go for a lightweight cargo pants with legs that can be unzipped to shorts.

Dress for success

- These pants are handy when wading into the river. The unzipped parts can also be used as a fishnet or as a storage device for water.
- At least three pairs of underwear.
- Three pairs of heavy-duty wool socks. They keep your feet dry and warm, which is vital in survival conditions. In addition, they could be used as a water filter in extreme conditions.
- A medium-weight fleece jacket.

Dress for success

- A pair of leather gloves. They best protect your hands from being burned, stabbed or scratched.
- A poncho.

Form over fashion

- A variety of clothes are available for anyone looking to survive a worst-case scenario.
- But, they should be comfortable. waterproof, and warm.
- You can buy them from your local outdoor or sports store, or even a department store at a cheaper price.

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